Did you know: High performers and high achievers are more prone to burnout at work because of the unique pressures that come with their drive and success.
I know this well because I experienced burnout out as a high achiever, didn't recognize it at the time, and now I'm passionate about helping others understand burnout so they can focus on prevention.

High Achievers and Risk of Burnout Here’s a breakdown of why the risk is higher:
Setting the Bar High
As high achievers we might also be perfectionists. We set extremely high standards for ourselves and push to meet them every time. This can lead to chronic stress.
Taking On More
Because we're reliable and capable, high performers are often given extra responsibilities at work. We can have a hard time saying no, either because we might let someone down, miss out on a great opportunity, or because we are genuinely interested in a lot of different things that we'd like to be involved in.
We can be our own worst critics by dwelling on mistakes or worrying about whether we're meeting expectations, which adds to our mental and emotional strain.
Working Longer and Harder
Research shows that as high achievers, we tend to put in more hours and effort than our peers, often sacrificing rest and recovery time. This "always-on" mentality leaves little room to recharge.
Struggle to Disconnect
As high performers we often tie self-worth to our accomplishments. Because of this, it can be hard to step away from work, even during personal time. This is why we focus a lot on creating better boundaries with our technology in my Burnout To Boundaries™ training.
Feel the Weight of Expectations
Once people see us as competent or successful, high achievers often feel pressure to maintain that image. We might worry that if we slow down, pause or show vulnerability, we'll lose respect or opportunities. This fear of "letting people down" can be a major cause of additional stress.
Less Likely to Ask for Help
We often pride ourselves on being independent and capable, so we are less likely to reach out for support when we're struggling. This can lead to feelings of isolation and overwhelm.
Ignore the Warning Signs
Burnout usually comes with warning signs like fatigue, irritability, or declining motivation. As high performers we often power through these symptoms, thinking we can handle it, until the problem becomes unmanageable.

In short, high achievers burn out because their strengths—like their drive, ambition, and resilience—can also turn into vulnerabilities when pushed too far.
How do I know if I'm a high achiever?
Someone recently asked me this in a training session and it got me thinking about the personality traits of high achievers.
You may not have all of these traits, but studies show that high achievers often resonate with some, or all, of the following 10 personality traits:
Grit and Perseverance
Self driven desire to learn, improve and excel
Growth mindset
Self discipline
Set clear ambitious goals and maintain focus on achieving them
Strong Emotional Intelligence
A curious approach to life - a strong desire to learn and explore new ideas.
Confidence in ability to complete goals and work.
Stoeber & Otto, 2006, Maslach & Leiter, 2016, Flett & Hewitt, 2002, Schaufeli et al., 2009, Hallsten et al., 2005, Luthans et al., 2007, Bakker & Demerouti, 2007, Maslach et al., 2001.
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Listen to Episode 8 of the Real Talk with Alison Butler podcast
In Episode 8, I chat all about the topic - why high achievers are at higher risk of burnout.

If you’re ready to stop running on empty and start creating real boundaries around your time and energy, the Burnout to Boundaries™ program is here to help. This program is designed to provide you with the tools, strategies, and support to break free from feeling like you're running on empty.
You’ll learn how to prioritize rest, set sustainable boundaries, and build a lifestyle that works for you—not against you.
Ready to take the next step? Click here to learn more and enroll!

Hi, I'm Alison and welcome to the blog.
I have been a speaker and trainer for 20 years. I offer Mental Health First Aid in Canada and work with workplaces to improve mental wellbeing and psychological safety and reduce stress and burnout.
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